Xander caught in the act of "exploring". You have to seriously watch him like a hawk, or he will end up hurting himself...badly. No fear, this kid!
All three boys are the same age right now. weird. (Every year this will happen; for about 6 weeks they will be the same age.) Caden's birthday is right around the corner-- and as it approaches you can see (literally) a transformation of personality. His sentences are getting longer, his reasoning/problem solving skills are getting better. Its so fun to see!Braxton and Xander are doing well, despite a cold they have. They had their one year old check up and doctor was pleased. Both weigh 16 pounds (braxton a few ounces more), and both about 28 in long. We were told to feed them more solids. THe thing is, THEY HATE SOLIDS. Their OT is working on it with them...they gag and squirm and are not interested at all. By december they need to be on mostly solids. eek...we better hustle.
braxton's eyes are getting stronger. He is sitting more independently, but still wobbly. Xander is starting to wave and imitate movements. Very cool to see!
As for momma and daddy. I am teaching at CBU a couple times a week and lovin it! My students are super fast learners and very motivated. (except one who i caught asleep and had to call him out in front of the class). I'm not taking that personal...the class is VERY quiet. they aren't use to it. He was kissin' booty the rest of the class. funny!.
Daddy is doing well...He is keeping busy with RISE and being an awesome dad. He has done a lot of work in the backyard, trying to get it prepped and ready for the sod. (which comes in saturday, and we are all very excited to have a back yard to play in!)
Hope everyone is well!!
THe carmonas!
thanks for the update ;) god bless alicia
ReplyDeleteAwesome pics!
ReplyDeleteThem boys are really growing up!