My weeks have been consumed with appointments. A year ago, we knew this would be our life. However, I didn't really understand what that really meant or looked like. I wanted to give an update on what the therapists are saying about the boys.
Physical therapy
We have been working on bearing weight on his hands and knees (in preparation for crawling). He is tucking his knees under his body, but does not stay on his hands unless supported by us. Yesterday, however, I looked over at him and he was on ALL fours. IT was for a second, but I was gleaming! We will keep working on this. He just needs practice in order to strengthen his upper body.
He is moving all over the house using his own style of crawling. Yesterday he and xander were found in the shower! They are starting to act like typical twins....when they can speak, I look forward to hearing them finish each other's sentences.
He goes to PT only 2 times a month and only for 30 min. at a time. IT's more of a check up, vs therapy sessions. He is doing everything he should be doing (and more) at 9 months adjusted. He is cruising along the furniture, standing whenever he can reach something to help him pop up, crawls like a mad man, and sits very nicely, unsupported. There's no real concern about his gross motor skills. Fine motor is coming along too...using certain grasps and picking up little baby puffs, etc. is what we are working on now.
Occupational Therapy
we are working on holding bottles on his own. He still wants us to hold it. He really doesn't show any interests right now, to hold it on his own. We are also working on eating chunkier foods, getting his tongue moving laterally to avoid gagging.
Xander sees an OT weekly to work mostly on feeding issues. He does NOT like chunky food. In fact more often than not he will gag and throw up. This is directly associated with being in the hospital and intubated. Everything that was oral was negative and now he has a bad association. Also his muscles in his cheeks are tight, and he's not moving his tongue like he should. So the therapist gives us oral motor exercises to help in this area.
Both boys are speaking as though a 3-6 month old would. They do not really babble, more of coo's. At this age (9 months adjusted), they should be saying "dada", "mama", "papa", etc. Hard consonant sounds. We are working on it.... They get a hearing test next month to rule out any hearing issues associated to their speech.
Inland Regional Center comes twice a week for 2 hours at a time to work on development in all areas. I love the teacher that comes...she is really great with the kids. They love her too!
All in all, things are moving right along. I have learned to keep my expectations high, while focusing on age appropriate goals. I often look at them as 13 months, and thats not fair to them. I need to remember that they are functioning as a 9 months old.
thanks for your continued support in our boy's lives!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Update on Braxton's eyes
Braxton had a recent doctor appointment for his eyes. The first 4 weeks or so, his eyes were looking really good. The last week or so we have noticed him crossing them again. It doesn't seem as bad, but definitely noticeable. sadly....
With that said...the doctor did a thorough exam on Monday and said, that in fact, his eyes were crossing again. Before they measured 50 and now they are measuring 30. (they should be 0, straight). There is some improvement but still effecting his ability to focus clearly.
She dilated his eyes and the eye ball itself looks great. His vision is great too. He is not far sighted or near sighted. She was thinking if he were, then glasses might be helpful in fixing the crossing. So now we go back in 6-8 weeks to see what the measurements are. She is predicting another surgery. This time, instead of cutting the inside muscle, they would cut the outside muscle to compensate the previous procedure.
This is definitely discouraging news....I don't want to see him go through that surgery again. But after seeing his world light up when it was done the first time, it all seemed worth it. So if it takes another surgery for his world to "be straight" again, then I am okay with that. However, I am praying that he will NOT have to go there again. Please pray with us that the muscles will correct themselves.
....more later.....
With that said...the doctor did a thorough exam on Monday and said, that in fact, his eyes were crossing again. Before they measured 50 and now they are measuring 30. (they should be 0, straight). There is some improvement but still effecting his ability to focus clearly.
She dilated his eyes and the eye ball itself looks great. His vision is great too. He is not far sighted or near sighted. She was thinking if he were, then glasses might be helpful in fixing the crossing. So now we go back in 6-8 weeks to see what the measurements are. She is predicting another surgery. This time, instead of cutting the inside muscle, they would cut the outside muscle to compensate the previous procedure.
This is definitely discouraging news....I don't want to see him go through that surgery again. But after seeing his world light up when it was done the first time, it all seemed worth it. So if it takes another surgery for his world to "be straight" again, then I am okay with that. However, I am praying that he will NOT have to go there again. Please pray with us that the muscles will correct themselves.
....more later.....
Friday, September 10, 2010
last few weeks...
Xander caught in the act of "exploring". You have to seriously watch him like a hawk, or he will end up hurting himself...badly. No fear, this kid!
All three boys are the same age right now. weird. (Every year this will happen; for about 6 weeks they will be the same age.) Caden's birthday is right around the corner-- and as it approaches you can see (literally) a transformation of personality. His sentences are getting longer, his reasoning/problem solving skills are getting better. Its so fun to see!Braxton and Xander are doing well, despite a cold they have. They had their one year old check up and doctor was pleased. Both weigh 16 pounds (braxton a few ounces more), and both about 28 in long. We were told to feed them more solids. THe thing is, THEY HATE SOLIDS. Their OT is working on it with them...they gag and squirm and are not interested at all. By december they need to be on mostly solids. eek...we better hustle.
braxton's eyes are getting stronger. He is sitting more independently, but still wobbly. Xander is starting to wave and imitate movements. Very cool to see!
As for momma and daddy. I am teaching at CBU a couple times a week and lovin it! My students are super fast learners and very motivated. (except one who i caught asleep and had to call him out in front of the class). I'm not taking that personal...the class is VERY quiet. they aren't use to it. He was kissin' booty the rest of the class. funny!.
Daddy is doing well...He is keeping busy with RISE and being an awesome dad. He has done a lot of work in the backyard, trying to get it prepped and ready for the sod. (which comes in saturday, and we are all very excited to have a back yard to play in!)
Hope everyone is well!!
THe carmonas!
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