I'm a pretty mellow kind'a guy...I can lay contently on my play mat, or sit in my bumbo chair (longer than my brother can, i might add). or do tummy time and chew on my fingers. But my favorite thing is to be held. I love to snuggle up into anyone's neck. I start to get frustrated....really frustrated if you are not rhythmically tapping my back. oh and bouncing me, simultaneously. Okay, so maybe I'm not as "mellow" as I thought i was.
I use to startle very easily when my older brother would get right in my face and talk. But now he can be inches away and almost yelling and it doesn't faze me. It takes me a few seconds to focus on him, and as soon as i do, he leaves my sight. If only he would stay for a few more seconds so I can really see him.
If you really want to make me smile, just kiss me all over my face. If you want me to sleep....just rock me and bounce me. Don't even think of setting me down before i"m asleep. I will scream bloody murder and wake up my brother. My mom sure doesn't like that.
love, Braxton
I seeeeeeee you...i see you when you walk into the room, or when you leave. My whole head tracks which way you go. So if i'm trying to sleep, don't get into my line of vision, or it will make me cry because I rather be socializing. not sleeping.
I am a cat napper...I want to know what's going on and I want to be right in the middle of it. I love to smile and giggle at faces. I prefer mommy over everyone. Some say I'm a "mommas boy". I'm way better at soothing myself to sleep and I love my big brother caden. He's already my hero. I watch his every move.
I get frustrated when i drink my milk and it gets stuck in my throat. My mom says that will get better in time. It doesn't allow me to eat as quickly as my brother. I get tired out pretty easily.
I can handle chilling by myself. but not for long. Like I said, I like to be around people. More specifically, I love to be held. But don't hold me the way you want to hold me...hold me with your arm under my bottom and your other hand tapping my back. I guess I'm a little high maintenance.
love, Xander
"where?" "ball!" are my two favorite words to say right now. If you give me a ball I am a very happy camper. I like to call everything football though. I'm a little frustrated these days, though. I'm stuck in doors all the time. I get bored. My mom can only do so much for me. She tries her best to entertain me, but how much can she do when my brothers are screaming. Lately we have been taking walks. Thank God people come over to help my mom, that way we can do our walks and play at the park.
My brothers are turning into my best friends. I haven't hit them or hurt them in a really long time. I chose to kiss and hug them. All the time! I help my mom by throwing away diapers, getting her burp clothes, and handing my brother a toy when he is crying. Today braxton was screaming in his bed and I shook it in an attempt to soothe him, and I also said, "shh shh shh" like mommy does. It actually worked.
I'm excited that my brothers are getting bigger. I look forward to playing with them. I also look forward to leaving this house more often.
Love, Caden
Awww... I love this "perspective" part... it really is sweet and nice to be able to be in their shoes for few minutes and just pretend to be Caden, Xander and Braxton and actually feel what they are feeling.. (if you get my drift).. Glad all is going well and I really hope to see you soon and meet the family, too. Love ya!