Friday, January 22, 2010

house arrest?

I knew this was coming...I knew I would have countless days of feeding, burping, changing, cleaning, sleeping. Waking up and doing it all over again. Feeding, burping, changing, cleaning and sleeping. I did forget to add in there "entertaining a 1 year old and meeting his immediate needs". As I read what I have just written, I sound like a crying baby; an unappreciative complainer. This is not my intentions. I pray to God that HE gives me the patience and energy that I need to get through this season...Please pray with me because I can't do this alone.

God has gotten me this far...I know HE is going to get me through these tough days. And when I say tough, I really mean horrific. For those of you that have a baby, you know the moments when they don't stop crying. The moments you can't take their pain away or sooth them to sleep. Take those experiences and add one more baby crying that has labored breathing and catch his breathe due to his uncontrollable cries, then on top of that add a cranky "i want all the attention" toddler. I know, I could be worse. Trust me...i know. This doesn't take away the emotions I am feeling today. right this second. okay...NOW I sound like that complainer previously mentioned. sorry. I should appreciate the fact I am even able to sneak away and write this (thanks mom for being here!)

Praying that God takes me one more day, then one more day...and so on. Thanks for letting me express the raw truth to this new crazy life I lead.


  1. Glad you have a blog going. You should use it as a family blog too (fun things, Caden, vacations,etc). It'd be fun to see what you're up to.

  2. D-oh i will mention fun things too....i know hard to tell from the last post. :)

  3. Praying for you, Shawndogg! Hang in there - you have done a GREAT job so far! God will give you the strength and endurance you need. I will probably be coming sometime this weekend to help - I will text you when I know for sure when that will be. Lots of love and prayers coming your way! xxx -E

  4. oh sorry, I hadn't gotten to read that post yet when I commented, sounds like its been pretty rough sometimes. I bet you're so thankful to have your mom there. Nice.
