Caden has figured out what "independent play" is...he has always had a tough time with this. I suspect because ever since I was on bed rest, and then the events to follow, he has always had someone here just for him. So he has gotten one on one attention for many many months. This last week I have noticed moments where caden wasn't in the room. He was actually playing very appropriately in his play room, by HIMSELF!
Not only that, Caden has been such a GREAT big brother. he is so gentle with the twins (and any other babies that he sees for that matter). He absolutely loves to kiss them. He points to his lips and says, 'isss' with a little lisp. That's Kiss in his language. It's very cute. I am proud of my little boy...
His hitting, scratching, and head-butting mom hasn't been seen this week either. Thank you LORD for teaching us all how to transition into this new life.
Caden's new thing now, is, being very possessive of daddy. If i am hugging Phil, or laying next to him, Caden tries to peel me off (literally). It's funny--and shows just how much he loves his daddy. he wants him ALL to himself.
Here are a couple pictures I took this morning of Caden being sillly with Grandma's glasses.