Thursday, June 23, 2011

hearing aids

Finally the twins will get fitted for their hearing aids! Their appt is on July 1st. Unfortunately, after that we still have to wait a couple more weeks to actually get them. But....we are almost there! I can't wait. Then the next challenge will be to keep them on. Any suggestions is welcomed.

Just had their review IFSP meeting this morning and they will continue to go to CSDR in their PIP program.

Caden has not received any info on when he will be getting his aids. I have more phone calls to make to follow up on this one. But he will be having an IEP meeting to receive speech services in the fall, in order to "fine tune" some of his speech sounds. His language is not an he doesn't need a special day class. He will be attending a preschool near our home in the fall, along with other hearing kids. Hopefully he will have his hearing aids by then. Because I do notice myself speaking louder or repeating myself when there is any kind of background noise.

Making progress.... :o)

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