Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Forgive me, as I'm about to brag....A lot....about my son. :)

Caden has been such an amazing little boy the past few weeks. He has been so sweet to his brothers, using such great manners, really seems he's trying to practice obedience and make him momma and daddy happy. YES....he still has his "I'm 2 and will act like it" moments--

But I wanted to share how proud I am of him. If his brothers get hurt, he will go to them quickly, and kiss their head and say, "its otay." (often not saying the 'k's) If his brothers are crying in the car, he will reach over to touch them and say, "it's otay, we almost ome." When his brothers are fussing during their diaper changes, he will come over and try to distract them for me. (without being asked at times!). When we were at the doctors this week, he was using Please and Thank you a bunch, and spontaneously. The nurse was so impressed she walked back into the room and had to give him a high five and praise him for his sweet manners.

Phil and I have been AMAZED..literally, with caden's ability to throw a base ball(nerf style), dribble a soccer ball, then yesterday we were pitching balls to him, and the kid can HIT! I foresee travel ball in our future. ;) Till then...we will sign him up for soccer (AYSO) in the fall.

Love this little man....more and more everyday! He is such a blessing.