Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Update on Braxton's eyes

Braxton had a recent doctor appointment for his eyes. The first 4 weeks or so, his eyes were looking really good. The last week or so we have noticed him crossing them again. It doesn't seem as bad, but definitely noticeable. sadly....

With that said...the doctor did a thorough exam on Monday and said, that in fact, his eyes were crossing again. Before they measured 50 and now they are measuring 30. (they should be 0, straight). There is some improvement but still effecting his ability to focus clearly.

She dilated his eyes and the eye ball itself looks great. His vision is great too. He is not far sighted or near sighted. She was thinking if he were, then glasses might be helpful in fixing the crossing. So now we go back in 6-8 weeks to see what the measurements are. She is predicting another surgery. This time, instead of cutting the inside muscle, they would cut the outside muscle to compensate the previous procedure.

This is definitely discouraging news....I don't want to see him go through that surgery again. But after seeing his world light up when it was done the first time, it all seemed worth it. So if it takes another surgery for his world to "be straight" again, then I am okay with that. However, I am praying that he will NOT have to go there again. Please pray with us that the muscles will correct themselves.

....more later.....


  1. sorry to hear that Shawna. I know that must be discouraging. Hang in there, you're doing a great job of that. I'll keep you in my prayers.

  2. Praying for your boy's eyes! Keep trusting the Lord with his eyes - you are setting a great example! Love you! xxx
