I am having a rare moment when all three boys are asleep. I gotta type fast because this won't last long.
I wanted to brag a moment....
Xander is officially crawling! I do see the "
commando" style crawl here and there, but for the most part he is crawling on all fours. He likes to stand on his feet while touching the ground. Picture a kid doing a "bear crawl". It's quite cute, and makes me think he is not far from pulling himself up into a standing position.
With that said, he still isn't sitting by himself. This is strange to me, because I always thought you sit
independently before you crawl.
Braxton is not crawling yet. He is rolling to places. He likes to lay on his tummy and do the super man position. We are working on him baring more weigh on his arms. He, too, isn't sitting by himself yet.
Both boys are eating 2 servings of solids a day and doing really well drinking their milk. They will drink between 4-5 ounces a feeding (every 3-4 hours). The
pediatrician still thinks they are not gaining quick enough so we have an evaluation with a GI specialist. I am suspecting the OT will be working with
xander on his ability to eat solids. He eats them, but tends to have some sensory issues with the textures. We'll see...maybe he just doesn't like the taste.
Braxton cries if you don't shovel it in his mouth quick enough. :)
They both have their bottom two teeth and both are getting their top two. One has poked through and the other one is coming.
Ped. said the boys are definitely identical and we shouldn't question it anymore. It's very rare to have one placenta and be fraternal.
Personalities are in full force.
Xander is a busy body. Wants everything and goes everywhere.
Braxton LOVES to be snuggled and tickled. He laughs hard. he is smiling a lot more and so much more interactive. The boys love to be by each other.
Currently the boys are sick. again. Seems their immune system is really weak. Praying
caden doesn't get it (bronchitis and ear infection).
Nebulizer is out again--
Caden is such a good big brother. He is sharing his toys, soothes the babies when they cry, "fetches" diapers. When he wakes up in the morning first thing he talks about is his brothers, wondering if they are awake or asleep. He'll sign, "
xadner. sleep?" then he'll put his finger by his mouth and say, "
shhh". knowing that's exactly what I'm about to say next. Very cute. Smart boy too...knows most of his shapes and colors. We are now going to work on potty training. He did a number 2 in the potty yesterday!